Saturday, June 27, 2015

Just Sayin' Hey

Hey Guys!

SUMMER IS HERE!!!! I still can't believe it. 7th grade is hard. I know it gets harder...but 7th's hard! And while I know you're probably thinking that 'summer is here' oooold news, I'm having a major letdown this year. Y'know what I mean? Like, I just need to sit here and read and be outside and with my family and friends. Holy moley I love summer. Anyway, that is part of the reason I haven't posted in a whiillle, and I kinda apologize for that. Kinda. However, there are other reasons, too, like....

A new look (for the blog of course :)!
Hopefully this will be up soon, I have some templates I'm really interested in, but I just gotta get my daddy to help me out :). For some reason, I really wanted this done before posting, but then I realized that was just silly. Sooooo here I am.

I've recently been reading a ton of fun stuff, but something I'm really into is the Mitford series, about a life in a small town in South Carolina. It's about the people and love and the little things in life, and it's so completely captivating. I believe it was originally intended for adults, but It's really clean and homey and makes you feel all warm and fuzzy. Unfortunately, I'm still on the first one because they're, ahem, kinda long. It's pictured down there :). Click HERE to read the summary.

Some other honorable mentions are My Life in Pink and Green, The Map Trap, and Blackbird Fly.

Comment(because I love, love, looove comments):

What are your summer reading goals?? How many books do you want to read?

I promise I will be back soon, but I am headed to summer camp tomorrow!!

Happy Reading,


1 comment:

  1. I think I speak for everyone when I say, "WE'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!" I'm going to seventh grade this coming September, so I'm super nervous for that, especially because I'm going to BLS (Boston Latin School) and you'll get about 4 hours of homework each day. (Yeesh...that was DEFINITELY a run on sentence) I'm super excited to see your new blog! (And trust me, I've been through the crazy makeover phrase.) Mine went totally wrong and I had two computer dudes working like 24/7 trying to figure what went wrong with the Java Script/HTML coding. I didn't actually understand it. All I did was sit around and tell them what they did wrong and what they should fix. It was a SUPER long process and my blog was less than pleasant during that time, but I think it looks pretty good right now. (I hope...) I think the two most important things to remember about giving your blog a makeover is to (a) Save your original template just in case something went wrong and you can't undo it and need to go back to your old template, and (b) to make a testing blog. It's super easy, you just have to create another blog and put in your template code. And I know you've already had a template picked out, but if you'd like some more options, you can definitely check out MyBloggerThemes, The Cutest Blog On The Block, and also Shabby Blogs. I'm pretty sure the all have templates and cool gadgety stuff you can add to your sidebar and whatnot. This has been a PREEETTY long comment, so I think I'll end it hear. Can't wait to hear from you soon and best of luck with the makeover! :-)

    ~Cindy (BTW, sorry if there are any grammar mistakes, I was typing really fast.)
